Michael Kobulnicky, 50, has been charged with four felony counts including kidnapping for rape and rape by a foreign object, charges that could send him to prison for life if he is convicted. At his bail review hearing on March 26, 2012 the woman who is the alleged victim told the Judge that Mr. Kobulnicky was not the man who had attacked her. In response the Judge in this case reduced bail for Mr. Kobulnickyfrom $500,000 to $250,000 where it remains set. Even after the victim tells the Judge he has the wrong man, Mr. Kobulnicky remains in jail.
*UPDATE: Alla chrges against Mr. Kobulnicky have been dropped. The alleged vitim recanted her story of being kidnapped or raped.
If you or a loved one have been charged with a crime and would like a free consultation with an experienced lawyer, please call our office at (619)258-8888.