DUI Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here are the most frequently asked questions our office receives about DUI’s in San Diego. The information listed below, while accurate in a general sense, is not intended to be a substitute for actual legal advice. We recommend scheduling a free consultation so we can discuss the specifics of your case.

Will my DUI/border bust affect my green card status?

I was given a 2-page “pink paper” at the time I was arrested for DUI, Can I still drive?

Do I go to the Downtown Courthouse since I was taken to the downtown San Diego Jail after I was arrested for DUI at the Border?

If my family member was arrested for DUI at the border, could my SENTRI get taken away?

Can I go to the local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to request an Administrative Per Se (APS) Hearing within 10 days of my DUI arrest?

Can I still go to Mexico if I got a DUI?

I think I am guilty of DUI, should I plead guilty with a Public Defender to represent me?

Why should I hire a private DUI attorney?

Can a DUI lawyer reduce my penalties?