New Laws in 2015

New Laws in 2015 Another New Year brings a host of new laws going into effect.  Several of them affect criminal law or are closely related to it. Now, registered sex offenders who fail to show up to get hooked up to GPS monitoring or who tamper with the device face a mandatory 180 days…

Holiday DUI Checkpoints

Holiday DUI Checkpoints Every year during the Holiday Season, police departments have DUI checkpoints popping up all over the place.  They are most common in Downtown San Diego, near Ocean Beach or Pacific Beach and other areas with a high concentration of bars and restaurants. This year there may be even more than normal.  The reason?  More…

Celebrities Getting DUI’s

Celebrities Getting DUI’s In the news today were the stories of Michael Phelps and State Senator Ben Hueso both pleading guilty to a DUI’s.  Phelps pled guilty in his home State of Maryland and Hueso up in Sacramento.  It seems like we hear about celebrities getting arrested for DUI all the time.  Whether sports figures,…

Illegal Pot Dispensaries- The New Prohibition

A couple of months ago, there was an article in the Union-Tribune about the City of San Diego’s efforts to close down illegal pot dispensaries.  Among other things, it explained how even after officials know about the pot dispensary, they then have to go through a lengthy process of determining who is running it, who…

The Cops Prosecutors Don’t Trust

Earlier this week, an article appeared in the Union-Tribune about our District Attorney’s office and a list they keep of police officers they do not trust.  It was referred to as the Brady List.  Brady was the name of a Supreme Court case years ago that said prosecutors have to provide exculpatory information to defendants…